Foam in the Transport Industry
Foam Superstore offers a range of trade foam to fit a number of applications within the transport industry. We guarantee the best value for money on all of our cut to size products, and our foam can be cut specifically to any size making it easy to integrate within your design.

How Are Foam Products Used In The Transport Industry?
Foam has a number of applications in the transport industry. From providing insulation, to seating, it plays a key role in the comfortable day to day running of many forms of transport.
Polyurethane foam is one of the most popular foam materials used within the transport and travel industry.
One of the uses of foam in the transport industry is for insulation. Foam can provide acoustic insulation, thermal insulation and stray current insulation. This helps to provide drivers and passengers with protection from changing temperatures and noises.
Due to its versatility and affordability, polyurethane foam is also widely used for seating in the transport industry. Drivers seats to passengers seats, the use of foam is vast. Light, highly resilient, and providing long lasting comfort, polyurethane foam is a popular choice.

Does Your Business Require Foam?
Our foam can be cut specifically to size, making it easy to integrate within your design, and be used for a variety of applications. We manufacture high resistance foam products that can provide you with extra levels of comfort and security on any form of transport.
If you’re uncertain which type of foam product and density is best suited to your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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